AMVETS Post #0770 - Post Membership
Credentials: Applicant must be a Veteran who served after September 15, 1940 or is currently active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States or National Guard/Reserves.
Cost: Annual Membership is $45 or a Lifetime Membership is $350.
How to Join:
Complete both sides of the downloadable application form.
Veterans must show proof of an Honorable Discharge by showing a copy of their DD214.
Bring both documents to AMVETS Post #0770 with appropriate payment.
Attend a General Membership meeting within 60 days of submitting completed application.
Meetings are held on the First Sunday of each month @ 10 a.m.
Special Instructions:
All applications will be charged an additional $5 for an automatic Door Entry Card.
Acceptable form of Payment: Cash, Check, or Money Order
**Applicants must make special arrangements to be sworn in if they are unable to attend a regularly scheduled meeting.